Hide and Seek by Tali Yess
Lyrics for "HIDE & SEEK" by Tali Yess
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I know you're out there
But you hide your face from me
I know you're out there
Like a ...like a little game of hide and seek
Well, you know I'm coming to find you
that's one thing I can guarantee
Verse 1:
From eight days old my soul's been trying
trying to find it's way right back to you
Couldn't care less if I'm living or dying
as I walk down the avenue
Just wanna get into your head instead
because your wisdom is tried and true
I know you're out there
But you hide your face from me
I know you're out there
Like a ...like a little game of hide and seek
Well, you know I'm coming to find you
that's one thing I can guarantee
Verse 2:
For thirty long years I wonder why
You're nowhere in my field of view
Sometimes I hear you in the thunder
Then you hit me like a Deja Vu
The World is Going Under
And You're Return is Overdue