Just Like You
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“JUST LIKE YOU” by Tali Yess - Lyrics
Verse 1:
We pass each other on Saturdays
You look at me I look at you
But I can never find the courage to say
“You know, I’m also a Jew”
Though, I look different in every way
I believe in G-d just like you
Please don’t judge me... don’t judge me today
For the things I’ve yet to do
Can’t you say Good Shabbos to me?
Am I really that different from you?
I’m not asking for an eternity
Just a simple smile would do
Verse 2:
Is it the clothes that I’m in
Or the music that I listen to
Is it my accent or the color of my skin
Is that why I’m different from you?
Sometimes I feel like an outsider looking in
at the things that we do as jews
The clothes you wear and the hair on your chin
That’s not what makes you a Jew
Can’t you say Good Shabbos to me?
Am I really that different from you?
I’m not asking for an eternity
Just a simple smile would do